
Skullz joins forces with Varsity Esports Foundation

Skullz joins forces with Varsity Esports Foundation

Non-profit esports charity Varsity Esports Foundation partners with Skullz to raise funds for disenfranchised students in low-income communities to provide esports clubs. We are so proud to support an amazing charity that is doing great things to help disenfranchised students and schools to have access to esports!

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Esports Proven to Boost Student Morale

Esports Proven to Boost Student Morale

Studies have shown esports programs are associated with higher GPA’s for High School (Fox et. al.), increased satisfaction with school (Astin), fosters personal growth (Richard & Ares) and much more. And according to The National Federation for High School Esports, the sport provides many opportunities for growth and learning, such as the creation and practice of “soft skills,” including communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Now, this recent article published by Esports In Las Vegas, explains how esports is proven to boost students morale... especially during these hard times during this COVID pandemic.  The article also includes some quotes from...

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Skullz launches Silver State Esports ecommerce solution!

Skullz launches Silver State Esports ecommerce solution!

Skullz is proud to partner with Silver State Esports, Nevada’s premier high school esports league with more than thirty participating high schools!  Today, Skullz launched a fully dedicated and managed ecommerce solution for the Las Vegas based esports organization. With the new ecommerce solution in place, Silver State Esports will offer custom jerseys and team branded merchandise for its participating school districts. 

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The Koyo Store and Skullz Joint Venture Offers Wide Range of Products Across Two Continents

The Koyo Store and Skullz Joint Venture Offers Wide Range of Products Across Two Continents

Two companies are embarking on an exciting joint venture. The Koyo Store and Skullz have partnered to offer esports enthusiasts a treasure trove of merchandise. With two shopping destinations, both companies will sell products that range from pins and coins to hoodies and jerseys.

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